Department of Sociology
Holds a Diploma in Social Work and a Bachelor Science degree in Social Work (Distinction) from the University of Guyana and a Master of Arts in Psychology from the University of the South Pacific. She joined the Department of Sociology in the faculty in 2011 and has since served as Coordinator for the Diploma in Social Work and Head of the Department.
Prior to joining the faculty, she worked with the Ministry of Education as a Secondary School teacher at Queen’s College. She also lectures in the Institute of Distance and Continuing Education and the College of Behavioral Sciences and Research.
She has worked with international agencies such as UNICEF and civil society groups such as Ruimveldt Life Improvement Centre, in support of social issues such as domestic violence.
- Enoe-Smith, S. 2021. Navigating Social Work Field Education during the COVID 19 Pandemic: Challenges, Benefits & Opportunities. Journal of Academic Research & Essays. Web link / DOI: https://jare.org.gy/navigating
- Enoe- Smith, S. 2021. Intimate Partner Violence in Fiji. How the Perpetrator Is “Rewarded” for Perceived Victim Suffering. Violence against women. Sage publishing Journal: Violence Against Women. Web link / DOI: https://journals.sa gepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/107780 12211070311
- Smith-Enoe, S. 2018. Receiving Leniency after hurting a female norm violator: the mediating role of victim and harm-doer empathy. Sage publication Journal. Web link / DOI: https://doi.org/10. 1177/1077801219861149
- Smith-Enoe, S. 2022. Intimate Partner Violence in Fiji: How the perpetrator is rewarded for perceived victim suffering Violence Against Women. Journal (VAW) 2022
- Smith- Enoe, S. 2021. Navigating Social Work Field Education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges, Benefits and Opportunities. Journal of Academic Research and Essays.
- Smith- Enoe, S. 2020. 'Protecting those who Hurt Sexual Norm Violators: Differential Punitive Impact of Perpetrators Regret and Victim Pain. Springer Journals.