Department of Economics
Holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences degree in Economics from the University of Guyana, a Master of Arts in Economics from the Temple University and a Doctor of Philosophy in Economics from the University of Kent. He joined the faculty in 2000 and has served as Coordinator of the Institute of Development Studies, Head of the Department of Economics and now serves as Director of the University of Guyana Green Institute. Prior to joining the faculty, he worked as a Research Assistant and Instructor with the Temple University, Lecturer at the Penn State University, Economist and Project Manager at the JACA Corporation for Washington, Pennsylvania, adjunct lecturer at the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science, Senior Economist in the Research Department at the Bank of Guyana and Head of the Policy and Planning Division at the Guyana Forestry Commission.
- Singh, T. 2023 An Upstream Carbon Tax at the Wellhead in Guyana: Nudging Cooperation for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation, Finance and Justice: Remaking the Global Trading System for a Sustainable Future Level. Web link / DOI: https://drive.googl e.com/file/d/1PWAvXPcOXcyK8SUjc a30mdTbsQ_knqUB/view
- Henry, C; Oyedotum, T.; Singh, T. 2022. Oil Development Impacts on Mangrove Ecosystems in Guyana: a Review. International Journal of Environmental Policy and Decision Making Level.
- Hosein, R’ Conrad, D; Thomas, S. 2019. CSR as a Hartwick Rule strategy to mitigate the impact of the resource curse: Lessons from the experience from the educational sector in Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname. Social and Economic Studies Journal.
- Singh, T. 2018. Observation and contagion effects in cooperation: An Empirical Investigation. Elsevier Journal: Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics. Web link / DOI: https://www.scien cedirect.com/science/article/pii/S22 14804318301769
- Cartwright, E; Singh, T. 2016. Transformative Scholarship: The Praxis of C.Y. Thomas. Caribbean Philosophical Association Journal: The CLR James Journal Vol. 22, Issue1/2. Web link / DOI: https://www.jstor. org/stable/26752124
- Singh, T. 2013. Salient Endogenous Social Interactions Effects: An Experimental Investigation. Social Science Research Network. Web link / DOI: https://papers.ssrn .com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id= 2371319
- Singh, T. 2013. Imagination and Development: The Salience of Social Values, Entrepreneurship and Cooperation Publisher. Social Science Research Network Journal: SSRN Electronic Journal. Web link / DOI: https://papers.ssrn .com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id= 2379658
- Singh, T. 2013. A Social Interactions Perspective on Trust and its Determinants. Journal of Trust Research Volume 2, 2012 - Issue 2. Web link / DOI: https://www.tandf online.com/doi/abs/10.1080/215155 81.
- Singh, T. 2011 Getting and Staying Out of a Low Trust Trap: The Relative Roles of Tipping and Institutional Reform. Social Social Science Electronic Journal. Web link / DOI: http://dx.doi.org/1 0.2139/ssrn.1966932
- Singh, T. 2011. Social Norms and Interpersonal Trust Publisher. Social Science Electronic Journal. Web link / DOI: http://dx.doi.org/1 0.2139/ssrn.1427089
- Singh, T. 2006 Local Public Goods Insecurity, Conflict and the State: A Paradoxical Proposal. Transition, No. 34 Page #s: 32 Web link / DOI: https://papers.ssrn .com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id= 1790803
- Singh, T. 2003. Development Assistance, Rudimentary Financial Markets and Relatively Rapid Goods Market. Transition, No. 32 Level: First author Web link / DOI: https://cert-net.co m/files/publications/conference/843 .pdf
- Singh, T. 2001. Agency, Teacher Effort, Incentives and Teacher Compensation: A Review and Proposal. Transition, No. 30 Web link / DOI: https://cert-net.co m/files/publications/conference/843 .pdf
- Singh, T. 2001. Bank Liquidity Management, Prudential Regulation and Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy: A Reappraisal of the Liquid Asset Requirement Publisher: Centre for Latin American Studies Web link / DOI: https://cert-net.co m/files/publications/conference/716 .pdf
- Cartwright, E; Singh, T. 2013. Social Capital, the Culture of Trust, and Economic Development. In Emerging Behavior, Game Theory and Technology in Emerging Markets Edited by Bryan Christiansen and Muslum Basilgan. ICI Global Publishing Chapter(s): 6 No. of Pages: 18. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/s ocial-capital-the-culture-of-trust-andeconomic-development/94094
- Singh, T. 2008. Balance of Payments Adjustment in Guyana: Is There A Role for Informal Institutions. In Small Economies & Global Economics edited by J Ram Pillarisett, Joyce S Y Teo, Roger Lawry, Azman Ahmad No. Nova Science Publishers Chapter(s): 18 No. of Pages: 15. https://papers.ssrn .com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1 260760
- Singh, T. 2007. Poverty, Economics and Conflict Management. In Governance, Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution edited by Cedric Grant and Mark Kirton. Ian Randle Publishers Chapter(s): 26: No. of Pages: 14
- 200 4 Constitutional Design for Market Efficiency and Political Democracy in SPOT Economies. In Political Democracy, Social Democracy and the Market in the Caribbean edited by Cedric Grant and Mark Kirton. Anton de Kom University of Suriname Chapter(s): 5 No. of Pages: 9
Works in progress
Cartwright, E; Singh, T. 2023. Maintenance versus Provision of Public Goods: A Threshold Mechanism helps Groups Maintain an Existing Public Good. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization