Department of Economics
Obtained a Bachelor of Social Science degree in Economics from the University of Guyana (Credit) and a Master of science degree in International Trade Policy (Distinction) and Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Economic Development Policy (High Commendation) from the University of the West Indies. She first joined the faculty in 2008 as a researcher.
Her research interests are in the areas of Caribbean economic development and international trade policy more specifically. She has published several book chapters and journal articles in these areas. She is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Social Sciences and served previously as head of the Department of Economics.
She has conducted research projects with the Centre for Competitiveness at the University of the West Indies through several research grants. Prior to joining the faculty she worked briefly with the CARICOM Secretariat on the Agriculture Investment Forum.
Academic papers
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. 2018. “Impact of Non-Tariff Regulations on Guyana’s Food and Agriculture Exports to CARICOM and Non-CARICOM Markets: An Analysis Using Panel Techniques and Survey Data” Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation. Available at UWI Libraries.
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. 2008. “Impact of Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary Standards on Exports of Non- Traditional Agriculture Products from Guyana to the European Union, Barbados and the USA.” Master of Social Sciences (International Trade Policy) practicum research.
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. 2012. “Country Cluster Mapping Exercise: Guyana” Research practicum submitted to the University of the West Indies as a requirement of the Cluster Development workshop, July 2012
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. 2013. “Global Value Chain for Gold Jewellery: Upgrading Trajectories for Guyana”. Research practicum undertaken as a requirement of the Global Value Chain Analysis Workshop. Duke University, Centre for Globalization and Global Governance and Caribbean Centre for Competitiveness, University of the West Indies, April 2013
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. 2017. “Challenges to Agricultural Diversification- Sanitary and Phyosanitary as regulatory barriers to non-traditional agricultural products from Guyana”. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN; 978-3-330-08091-1
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna and Dennis Pile. 2023. “China- CARICOM bilateral engagements: modalities, motives, impacts and directions for the regional”. In China and Taiwan in Latin America and the Caribbean edited by Sabella Abidde and Cassandra Veney. Palgrave-MacMillan Publishers. Forthcoming
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna, and Dodson, Louis. 2016. “Guyana in the Global Rum Value Chain”. In Competitiveness through Global Value Chains: Selected Industry Case Studies for Caribbean Countries, Kingston: UWI Press Publishing. ISBN 978-976-640-603-5
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna, Bynoe, Mark. 2016. “Reflection on the Motives for Caribbean Integration and the European Union Experience Considered”. In ‘The Caribbean in a Changing World: Surveying the past, aping the future’ (vol 1) (Eds: Livingston Smith, Stephanie Fullerton-Cooper and Erica Gordon and Alexandra Bodden), United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishers. ISBN (10) 1-4438-0058-9
- Dodson, Louis; DaSilva, Dianna. 2010. “Opportunities for the Use of ICT in enhancing the quality and coverage of education delivery in Guyana at the General Secondary School Level” in World Sustainable Development Outlook 2010: Towards Epistemic Sovereignty: (Re)-thinking Development in a Changing Global Political Economy, Ahmed, Allam and Rogbert Gale TC (Editors), ISBN 978-1-907106-15-6. pp 277-287 available at: http://www.worldsustainable.org/index.php/next-conferences/proceedings/…
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna and Elton Bollers. 2023. Guyana as a New Growth Pole, What Does this Mean for Caribbean Integration Efforts? Transformation Journal. Forthcoming
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. 2021. Temporary Barriers and Local Industry Defense: Where does Guyana stand? Where Should It Head? The Estey Journal of International Trade Law and Policy, 64-86. https://law.usask.ca/documents/research/esteyjournal/dasilva-glasgow22-…
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. 2019. Transaction cost perspective of Non-Tariff Regulations- An analysis of food and agricultural exports from Guyana. International Trade Journal 339-364 DOI: 10.1080/08853908.2019.1664354
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna and Hosein, Roger. 2018. Non-tariff barriers to trade: What does the experience of Guyanese exporters of food and agriculture products reveal? Journal of International Trade Law and Policy. Volume 19 Number 1 pp.55-74
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna and Hosein, Roger. 2018. Do SPS and TBT regulations inhibit Guyana’s Exports of Food and Agriculture Products to CARICOM markets? Social and Economic Studies 67: 2 & 3: 133—174 ISSN: 0037-7651
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna, Bynoe, Mark, David, Shameza, Glasgow, Everette. 2018. Upgrading in the Global Furniture Value Chain: What Possibilities for Guyana? Transformation Journal Issue 45.
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna; Hosein, Roger. 2017. Challenges and Opportunities of SPS and TBT measures for increasing food and agriculture exports from Guyana. Transition Journal Issue 44.
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna, and Dodson, Louis. 2013. The Impact of Trade on Labour and Gender: A Case Study of Guyana. Transition Journal Issue 42 No. 2: 41-63.
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna, Bynoe, Mark. 2012. Strategic Response to Food Safety Standards- A Case Study of Guyana’s Fish Export Sector. Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy Volume 13, Number 2, Summer: 201-215
- Dodson, Louis. DaSilva, Dianna. 2011. Enhancing education delivery in Guyana at the general secondary school level: Opportunities for the use of computer-assisted instruction, World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 8: 55 – 67
- DaSilva, Dianna. 2011. Impact of US HACCP Regulation on Export of Fish and Fishery Products from Guyana. Transition Journal, Issue: 40: 4-22.
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. Global Value Chain for Gold Jewellery: Upgrading Trajectories for Guyana. Working paper no. WP 6/12. Georgetown: Institute of Development Studies, 2013. University of Guyana 50th Anniversary Special Working Paper Series.
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. Improving Export Diversification through Industry Clusters: Mapping for Potential Clusters in Guyana. Working paper no. WP 3/12. Georgetown: Institute of Development Studies, 2013. Print. University of Guyana 50th Anniversary Special Working Paper Series.
Conference Proceedings
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. 2019. Transaction cost perspective of Non-Tariff Regulations- An analysis of food and agricultural exports from Guyana. Presented at the 19th SALISES Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica. Forthcoming in International Trade Journal.
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna; Bynoe, Mark; David, Shameza; Glasgow, Everette. Upgrading In the Global Furniture Value Chain: What Possibilities for Guyana? Guyana 50th Anniversary Academic Grounding Working Group Symposia Series, Arthur Chung International Convention Centre, Liliendaal Guyana, May 24, 2016. Conference Paper. Ministry of Culture. http://guyfolkfest.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Dianna-DaSilva-Glasgo…
- DaSilva, Dianna. Challenges to agricultural diversification-Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards as Barriers to Non-traditional Agricultural Exports from Guyana. 7th Quest for Global Competitiveness Conference, Sheraton Old San Juan Hotel and Casino, San Juan Puerto Rico, March 2010. Poster Presentation. Available at; http://quest.uprrp.edu/Quest_files/ProceedingsQ7/Concurrent_session_I/I…
- DaSilva, Dianna. Impact of US HACCP Regulation on Export of Fish and Fishery Products from Guyana. 7th Quest for Global Competitiveness Conference, Sheraton Old San Juan Hotel and Casino, San Juan Puerto Rico, March 2010. Poster Presentation. Available at; http://quest.uprrp.edu/Quest_files/ProceedingsQ7/Concurrent_session_I/I…
Conference Presentations
- DaSilva-Glasow, Dianna; Dionne Frank and Duane Edwards. Barriers to the Social Integration and Economic Advancement. Caribbean Sociological Conference, June 28th- 30th, 2023
- DaSilva-Glasow, Dianna. Reimagining Diaspora Support for Development: targeted volunteerism, youth activism and community-centered initiatives. University of Guyana Diaspora Conference, May 8-10, 2023
- DaSilva-Glasow, Dianna. “Reimagining the Diaspora in Community Development in Guyana through targeted volunteerism: Lessons for the anglophone Caribbean” 45th Annual Conference of the Society for Caribbean Studies, July 5th- 9th, 2022
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. Food Sovereignty through gender equality in agricultural policy planning. 46th Annual Conference, Caribbean Studies Association (CSA). May 27th- June 3rd, 2022
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. Transaction cost perspective of Non-Tariff Regulations- An analysis of food and agricultural exports from Guyana. Presented at the 19th SALISES Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica, April 2018.
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. Sources of transactions associated with Non-Tariff Regulations- An analysis of food and agricultural exports from Guyana using survey data. School of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation Entrepreneurship Conference, University of Guyana, May 20-22, 2018.
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna and Hosein, Roger. Do SPS and TBT regulations inhibit Guyana’s Exports of Food and Agriculture Products to CARICOM markets? Presented at 18th SALISES conference "Small Nations, Dislocations, Transformations: Sustainable Development in SIDS", Trinidad. April 26-28, 2017
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna, Hosein, R. Challenges and Opportunities of SPS and TBT Measures for Increasing Food and Agricultural Exports from Guyana. Guyana 50th Anniversary Academic Grounding Working Group Symposia Series, Arthur Chung International Convention Centre, Liliendaal Guyana, May 24, 2016. Ministry of Culture, Government of Guyana
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. Guyana in the Global Rum Value Chain. 2nd Caribbean Competitiveness Forum, Kingston Jamaica, March 19-21, 2014. Unpublished conference paper. Caribbean Centre for Competitiveness/ Caribbean Export Development Agency/ Inter-American Development Bank.
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. Guyana in the Gold Jewellery Global Value Chain: Upgrading Trajectories. 8th American Competitiveness Forum, Port of Spain, Trinidad, October 8-10, 2014.
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. Guyana in the Gold Jewellery Global Value Chain: Upgrading Trajectories. 2nd Caribbean Competitiveness Forum, Kingston Jamaica, March 19-21, 2014. Unpublished conference paper. Caribbean Centre for Competitiveness/ Caribbean Export Development Agency/ Inter-American Development Bank.
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna, Bynoe, Mark. Reflection on the Motives for Caribbean Integration and the European Union Experience Considered. Islands of the World XII Conference, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, May 28-June 1, 2012. H. Lavitty Stoutt Community College.
- Dodson, Louis, DaSilva, Dianna. Opportunities for the Use of ICT in enhancing the quality and coverage of education delivery in Guyana at the General Secondary School Level. World Sustainable Development IX Conference, St. Lucia, 2010.
- DaSilva, Dianna. Strategic Response to Food Safety Standards- A Case Study of Guyana’s Fish Export Sector. Conference on Food Security and Agricultural Development in the Americas, University of the West Indies- Mona Campus, Jamaica, July 28-30, 2009.
Works in Progress
- Stephens, Kim and Dianna DaSilva-Glasgow. “Enhancing Trade Facilitation in Guyana: The case for improved inter-agency collaboration.” Under review in Estey Journal of International Trade Law and Policy.
- Jerrick, Fabian; Dianna DaSilva-Glasgow and Patrick Williams. 2023. Challenges of Limited Transport Connectivity for Sustainable Development: Case Study of Bartica Guyana. Under review in International Journal of Sustainable Development
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna and Kenroy Roach (2019). Role of Macroeconomic Governance in Economic Recovery in Small States. United Nations Development Program
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. 2018. Factors Shaping the Impact of Transaction Costs Linked to Non-Tariff Regulations on Exports from Guyana: A Firm-Level Analysis. Accepted for presentation at the 5th Academic International Conference on Business, Economics and Management, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, October 15-17, 2018.
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna and Hosein, Roger. 2016. Are SPS and TBT regulations affecting exports of food and agriculture products from Guyana? An Investigation of aggregate and sector-specific effects using Panel Data. Accepted for publication in Social and Economic Studies Journal
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna; Khemraj, Tarron; Thomas, Desmond (Editors). 2024. Economic structure and change in post-Independence Guyana. University of Guyana Press. Forthcoming.
- DaSilva-Glasgow, Dianna. 2024. Trade and Economic Development: Policy and Trends for Guyana. “Economic structure and change in post-Independence Guyana” edited by Dianna DaSilva-Glasgow, Tarron Khemraj and Desmond Thomas University of Guyana Press. Forthcoming.